3 Inventors is a software company, developing business solutions and promoting automation. Our products are designed to be ideal for any kind of business. Our design and development framework is focused in the axis of Traceability - Productivity - Profitability.
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3 Inventors software development and data analysis services are segmented into two categories, 3 Inventors products and enterprise dedicated solutions.
We can provide solutions to any client requirement, weather this is a new product design or an integration solution between current software products.
We strongly support and promote our motto, Knowledge, Professionalism and Innovation, which is something that characterize and describe our company.
r>We invest in our clients collaboration. We believe in continuous improvement and innovation, for us and for our clients. We want you to grow as we grow. This is our mindset and out philosophy.
We develop our own software products based on our long-time experience and deep involvement in different industries.
Our main goal is to develop software solutions that fit and provide growth to any kind of business.
A project is only a success when we can stand by every aspect of your requirements.
99% of all businesses, deal on a daily base, with the supplier-to-business cycle. This procedure has been described by various companies as a time consuming and difficult procedure. Ordering supplies in time limits that cannot be missed and keeping track of different daily/weekly/monthly orders is an ongoing procedure that needs to be handled efficiently and effectively.
Based on these needs we developed solutions and provided tools for management, employers, and suppliers.
By using different variants, all our software's can be adapted, transformed, and adjusted to fit any business workflow. It may sound impressive, but what makes it a success and. worth of investment is our client's feedback.
If your business belongs to a specific industry field, if you couldn’t find a software solution that fits your needs or if you were told you “It can’t be done – there is no solution”, then we are the right people for you.
It is not how big a problem is, but how people approach it.
We have the knowledge and experience to develop solutions for any kind of industry, from marine to aviation, sales, accounting, gaming, logistics, clinics etc.
Your needs and requirements are the key role in the process of delivering to you dedicated solutions.
We are enough innovative to analyse and develop any kind of software that will provide 100% solution to your problem.
And we don’t stop there, we enhance your software to be enough innovative to provide solutions and facilities you may not even though you need.
If your business already uses software's from other inventors such as ERP, CRM, Inventory, POS, Route Planning etc. with 3 Inventors you always have the option of integration.
If you have already designed what you would like to have, we have the knowledge and the professionalism to promote your vision and to develop a new solution for you, deriving by the combination of other software.
The aim of the software's' integration is to create the mechanism to automate a current procedure or to develop an artificial intelligence system for managing the data exchange between other systems and produce results.
Connect your POS with your CRM to produce result of your customers behaviour. Connect your ERP with your Route Planning system to automate the procedure of creating your drivers’ route planning.
We can improve your current workflow and optimize your performance like you haven’t imagine before.
MyChair PoS is a robust and fully customizable software. It supports loyalty card scheme, shop area maps, pending orders, scheduled orders, customer orders history, quick order reload and dozens of other features.
The back-office administration panel, provides to the user all the necessary tools to modify, add or remove features to fit any current needs.
MyChair PoS is the core system and can be connected with our OPS and online web ordering system.
For businesses who want control and maximum automation, all systems together, being a a very powerful tool, will provide them a completed solution.
You can control and monitor your business revenue statistics live wherever you want.
An online interface monitor system that provides to the business' manager the full flexibility of live monitoring corresponding to your demands.
The data retrieved and presented to the manager’s panel are fully customizable.
A powerful tool for any business in the catering industry.
This is an add-on of MyChair PoS software. Provides full control to all business departments (bar-kitchen-delivery) and multiscreen facilities depending on the service department.
All functions communicate together creating a fully automated system, that provides feedback for your customers’ service.
The most easy-to-use time attendance software in the market. A tool that every business with hourly based employment must use. We have created a simple to use software and an incredible assistant to your business.
This is the "end-of-time" for the long hours spending to calculate your staff working hours and breaks. Now you can have you employees’ payslips with just a single exporting.
It can be used for break monitoring, seminar attendance and access control, providing feedback of your employees’ behaviour.
A Supplier-to-Business (S2B) system.
This software is a combination of ERP, CRM and Inventory systems.
It has been described as one of the most professional tools in the market. If your business is dealing with business customers, or you are a business that is collaborating with different suppliers, then EOMFA will fit to your needs.
The aim of this tool is to automate the ordering procedure in both ends and provide the necessary tools to help your business to avoid any unnecessary administration costs.
We have the knowledge and accessibility to all available technologies. We can design and develop an efficient and reliable solution based on your needs or/and current softawares.
We introduce innovation to your business.
Make your employees more efficient.
Saving administration costs is like lifetime savings.
If your business cannot run without you, then come to us - Start with us and stick to us.
We develop the tools that you don’t know that you need.
Make the trend to follow you – KPI’s will now shine.
The user experience in a software has a major role in the software success. Either this is reflected in sales or in usability. This is our approach and philosophy.
We design and develop software to be efficient and reliable. Operating smoothly and fast, it is obvious.
Keeping data secure it is a challenging but we have the knowledge and a huge experience on how to do it.
We are next to you. We invest and we are proud about our clients’ support service.
Professionalism never ends. We design, we develop, we deliver and we providing support, in reflect to the professionalism that we expected to show.
Innovation demands discipline. An innovative idea cannot be applied without discipline and consistency. It is not about the price but about the desired result.